unity 2021.3.5f1 not creating projects correctly

Hello all!

Im trying to use Marrow SDK for Bonelab however its having complications I think due to me attempting to use it on the latest Unity release
According to the official guide and wiki the Marrow SDK should be used on release 2021.3.5f1. So I’ve downloaded it and it installed just fine no issues, however when attempting to make a project it buffers, doesn’t launch the project, doesn’t even create a new folder for the project, yet a new project listed as using 2021.3.5f1 appears in the Unity hub. On attempting to open this project I get a “project failed to open. Please check the logs” I made a empty set of logs, attempted to make a project using 2021.3.5f1 and attached the logs below. Does anyone know what’s happening and why it might be happening?

9796371–1405941–info-log.txt (13.9 KB)

This message refers to the logs for editor and hub, not the ones you posted. See: Unity - Manual: Log files