I was just wondering what’s the difference between “master” and “release”.
I have just found that the shader macros: SHADER_TARGET_GLSL, SHADER_API_GLCORE, SHADER_API_VULKAN and SHADER_API_MOBILE don’t have the same behaviour as before:
On 2021LTS, the only reliable way to check if you’re compiling for DX or OpenGL is using UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
All the other macros are defined not by the current API in use but by the build target, which is not the same, because I’m building for Android, which is GLSL and OpenGL style of things, but in the editor I’m on DX11.
This is something that break my shaders and has taken me some hours to find out…
Of course, this wasn’t like that on 2020LTS: the macros where defined by the current API in use, not the build target.
That’s something that will break shaders, I’m sure.
For the record we have been able to build with 2021.2 / 3 for android and the master config without too much issue.
UE5 release is tested and delievered with the complex City Demo project and simply works is buildable and has lots of real world stuff you need like level streaming, realtime GI …
Seriously, Unity 2021 LTS is absolut not ready for release.
I tested 4 hours my main HDRP DX11 and DX12 projects and none of them works.
Both independent DXR projects are not buildable
and crash.
(Filename: Library/PackageCache/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition@12.1.6/Editor/BuildProcessors/HDRPPreprocessShaders.cs Line: 775)
d3d12: upload buffer was full! Waited for COPY queue for 0.000 ms.
d3d12: failed to wait for fence (258).
D3D12Fence::Wait(1879) error: got 1878. Possible device removal.
D3D12Fence::Wait(1879) error: got 1878. Possible device removal.
My main HDRP DX11 project has still endless shader compiler build times. Adressable and main build.
Against what scenario you tested 2021 LTS?
Even by testing minimal HDRP projects like SpaceShip Demo you would make these issues clearly visible.
Does the Adressable team has access to LTS release or bigger demo scenes? It seems to be not.
This release simply destroy +100 000 hours from user in a few days.
I am really disapointed from this “LTS” release we should use now for the next 1.5 years.
Alone the shader compiler build times from several hours gives a lot time to have a look on your main competitors progress and performance.
Deleting the LIBRARY folder in my project to force a full rebuild of the asset database and caches fixed my issues.
I’ve had to do that every time I upgraded to a new full version of Unity, otherwise it would never work.
Honestly, I don’t know why the upgrade process doesn’t do that by default.
I did this for all 4 projects (DX11 and DX12) after first run was not working.
Oooh, you’re using HDRP… I see you like to live dangerously…
I just did without issues, but the docs do say that it could take ages to compile. It may be different for every project.
pls add templates. 3d urp and etc
Is this a final version or still beta?
with all respect. its not that great. especially when its being marketed with “faster workflow”
Cannot build for WebGL (URP) due to shader errors
Shader error in ‘Hidden/Universal/CoreBlit’: invalid subscript ‘positionCS’
Shader error in ‘Hidden/kMotion/CameraMotionVectors’: SV_VertexID semantic is not supported on GLES 2.0 at line 11 (on gles)
I really cannot get why the Unity Github example projects are not updated to the 2021 LTS release before doing the LTS release.
- SpaceShipDemo
latest update was to 2021.2.
HDRP Raytracing scenes
latest update was to 2021.2.
By doing so (and trying to build these) you would see in what state 2021.3 LTS really is.
In special the shader compiler issues and the state of DX12 vs DX11 in HDRP.
Some questions i “hope” to get an answer:
What´s the reason behind not updating small minimal unity demo projects before?
What´s the reason by not providing complex, real world scenario with an LTS release like the UE Demo city?
'What´s the reason to not have automated Benchmark statistics for build times, render performance,… across releases and Vulkan, DX11, DX12…?
What´s the reason behind delivering marketing flattened release notes like?
What´s the reasons to upload all the resulting mess and resulting time loss to your customers?
For an Tech Stream release, ok.
Obviously we have to live with it.
But for an LTS release?
Automated test scenarios like the HDRP tests with sphere´s, donuts and cubes and minimal example projects seems to be not enough these days…
I’ve looked at unreal 5 official videos and they strongly advise to update projects to the latest engine version. I’m still new to that engine and I don’t know how likely it is to break everything if one does this. But I have experience with unity, and you do not want to update! IF your project works right now. Chances to break some stuff immediately or after hours of development down the line are quite high.
I found the source of the jerkiness I was experiencing:
I’m updating the physics engine manually on LateUpdate by the delta time of the last frame, and it was working smoothly up until Unity 2021LTS.
Now the slight variations in delta time from a frame to the next are making the physics engine skip frames and act jerky.
Is this the expected behavior @LeonhardP @Tautvydas-Zilys ?
There was no info about changes in the physics engine in the release notes that I have seen.
edit: setting a fixed time step while manually updating the physics engine makes it go smoothly, but then the physics slow down or speed up when the actual render frame rate changes.
edit2: on the plus side, physics on fixed update are less jerky than on 2020LTS, so I can just use fixed update like everyone else instead,
If you don’t see these templates in the Hub, please try and update the Hub to the latest version.
Could you please try a full project re-import and see if this resolves the issue? If this issue persists, please have a look at this thread and follow the recommendations there.
ty this helped
Not as far as I know, but that does sound like a weird thing to do. Generally, you’d want to update your physics in FixedUpdate() and then enable interpolation on objects that are visible so that they appear correctly with regards to delta time.
Was this only happening in the editor or the player too?
Polybrush Vertex Paint on FBX meshes seams broken?
Hey, I was really psyched for the new release. Opened my project (backup so nothing lost) and it crashed saying I had under 1gb storage space. After that project got corrupted. When I open now a new HDRP scene it looks either black (without any assets) or like this… any idea why? 2020 LTS works like a charm.
Unity Hub suggests installing Intel version of Editor instead of Apple Silicon version by default. Not a huge deal but might confuse some people owning M1 devices.