Unity 2022.2.0b13 Entities Hierarchy Window freezes

Clicked on the entities window and now my editor is frozen:


I’ve only got a plane and sphere in a subscene and a couple scripts.

I have this too! please help

force quit unity from the task manager

Raised this internally, @spinaljack – can I get a few more details from you?

Which version of Unity are you using?
Which version of the Entities package?

In the scene/subscene: is the subscene containing the objects nested under another gameobject, is the subscene nested under another subscene?

If you can file a bug report, that would be awesome, so we can get a repro project. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ve not had the same issue again but it was unity b13 with the latest version of entities back then, probably exp.12
The objects weren’t nested. The subscenes weren’t nested.