Unity 2022.3.24f1 random crash

Hi I have a problem with Unity. Editor crash randomly when I try open new window for example: color picker, settings window. It’s crashing 7/10 times. Logs are in attachment. I tried turn off plugins, close some windows I thought maybe there’s to many of them but no. Random Crash on openning. Can anyone look at those logs? I looked in them but don’t know what I’m reading.Thank you.

My hardware:
Manjaro Linux x86_64
Kernel: 6.6.26-1-MANJARO
Packages: 1717 (pacman), 68 (flatpak), 18 (snap)
Shell: bash 5.2.26
Resolution: 1440x900, 1920x1080
DE: Plasma 5.27.11
WM: KWin
WM Theme: ArcStarry-dark
Theme: [Plasma], Breeze [GTK2/3]
Icons: wow64 [Plasma], wow64 [GTK2/3]
Terminal: yakuake
CPU: Intel i3-4160 (4) @ 3.600GHz
Memory: 4562MiB / 15934MiB

Please help It’s really annoying.

9812463–1409403–Editor.txt (810 KB)

Nevermind it’s related to this nvidia bug: Unity editor crashes frequently on Linux+Vulkan after updating GPU drivers

I downgraded my drivers to 535 and it works fine now.