Currently my game is using about 1.2GB of Memory when I first load the game in a fresh browser tab in Chrome or Firefox. When I refresh that tab and try to reload the game I notice my Memory usage increases to 3GB. Why is that!?? This doesn’t make much sense… Is this a WASM or Unity Bug?
Don’t use the Task Manager to profile!
You have the browser developer tools and the Unity (Memory) Profiler to assess performance metrics that actually matter. For all we know, the memory displayed in Task Manager may include all sorts of browser-internal caching.
Personally id go with a chrome bug… my 64gb machine barffed because having watched a long stream, it “ran out of memory”
Thanks! Yes, you are right. In turns out this additional memory usage i’m seeing is caused by a GPU Process. You can see this in the Google Task Manager. The actual memory usage of my game is about 700MB while the GPU Process seems to hog a ton a of extra memory for some odd reason. I’ve seen some posts about this on Google Forums. Not sure there is a solution yet.