[UnityCache] Error when initializing cache: Error: Could not connect to cache: Cache API is not supported.
[UnityCache] Failed to load ‘http://IP_ADDRESS/Build/public.data’ from indexedDB cache due to the error: Error: Could not connect to cache: Cache API is not supported.
I’m using Unity 2022.1.0f1, and I’m trying to host the webGL build by express server.
When I activate server code on my local computer, and access to localhost, it works just fine. It never make that error.
But when I do same thing on my ec2 server, that error comes out. I didn’t care about it so far because webGL worked eventually, but the bigger my project becomes, the loading speed is getting too slow.
When I turn off the data caching from player settings, that error doesn’t come out, but the loading speed is still a problem.
My ec2’s os is ubuntu 22.04, and using t2.micro. Maybe my ec2 is too weak to serve WebGL?
Tell me if there are things to know more.
Question - Unity game WebGL hosting issue [UnityCache] Error when initializing cache - Unity Forum
I think that question is nearly same with my case.
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Same problem here.
Appeared when i upgraded my project from Unity 2021.3.20 to 2022.1.19.
Project is deployed on a Windows IIS and since we upgraded Unity, addressables cache is not working anymore and we get this error in the browser console log :
[UnityCache] Error when initializing cache: Error: Could not connect to cache: Cache API is not supported.
[UnityCache] Failed to load ‘xxxxx.data.gz’ from indexedDB cache due to the error: Error: Could not connect to cache: Cache API is not supported.
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That sounds like a non-LTS bleeding edge build of Unity.
Anytime you go beyond LTS you are an unpaid test pilot.
Ideally revert your project to before this attempted update.
If you absolutely cannot revert, try all the usual things:
reimport all
remove all packages, re-add the latest ones
google more for the above error, try some of the many things others have tried
Change from Question to Bug
I am using 2022.3 LTS releas still got the same error when downloading asset bundle.
unity Could not connect to cache: Cache API is not supported.
Anyone please share the solution or it will remain the same?