Unity 2D fluid simulation not working

Hi, in Unity, I have been following Code Monkey’s Liquid Simulation Tutorial to add fluid to my project.

To make the fluid appear as a collective mass as opposed to a collection of particles, a second camera dedicated to rendering fluid is used. The output of the camera is sent to a square render texture of lower resolution which rendered over a Quad.

This works, but after following the tutorial, my fluid can only render in a square in the centre of the screen as shown in the image below.

Have I done something wrong, or has something critical been omitted within the tutorial?

Figured it out. After downloading the tutorial’s project files, I discovered that the tutorial excluded details on scaling of the render texture and quad: The render texture can be at any inequal resolution, but the quad needs to match the scale ratio. (e.g. If you set the resolution of the render texture to 512 x 256, the quad’s length will need to be double it’s height)