Unity 2D How can I make my Fishing Rod feel realistic?

Hello! I want to make a simple game for an assignment. I want my fishing mechanic (SPECIFICALLY THE ROD AND STRING) to be like the game CatGoesFishing since I liked its concept, but I’m extremely stuck, I’ve been working on it for a long time. Any help is appreciated! I want to know how you would approach this when it comes to coding

Here’s a video to show how the fishing rod works (Cat Goes Fishing) CatGoesFishingExample.mp4 - Google Drive

Right now I’m using a line renderer and DistanceJoint for my fishing line, I have an arm rotation script that managed with the arm and rod moving while the fishing mechanic is another script to reel, cast, and swing. Thanks so much for the help !!

the first click triggers the arm swinging while the second click casts the line.

Verlet Chain [1] could help.

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Would it be able to shorten and extend? And thanks! Ill give it a try, it looks neat

It’s visualized as a LineRenderer, so yes. You may want to add a 2nd pass to lengthen or extend the vertices or something.

Here’s another Verlet Chain but for Fishing specifically that should get you going.

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