A brief intro: Looking to make a game in the same realm of Fire Emblem. I have been trying to find information on this subject for awhile now but have come across nothing definitive. I had followed the 2d-roguelike tutorial on the Unity site and have set up my random map generation script however I’m now stuck on creating a visual grid to select and interact with. Most of the answers I have found deal with 3d tools and objects.
So my question is: Can or should I be using 3d objects such as cubes to set up a 2d system and grid
As reference, this is pretty much what I want :
This is what I have so far:
Currently I don’t have the tiles aligned with the grid you can see in the scene window. I’m looking to now make a visible grid and I wasn’t sure if I can or should accomplish it by using a mesh or using cubes with the tile sprites drawn onto them, or even editing the tile sprites to include a visible grid on them. The last one I’m not sure on because I feel like it would cause problems when I work on recoloring tiles when selected and to show movement.
I’m sorry if I missed something obvious that would guide me on this I just could not find anything more than bits and pieces of information regarding this subject for Unity 2D.
Edited to add pictures and a bit more information.