Does anyone know if Unity will be updating Unity 3.5.7 iPhone for iOS 7? $3000 worth of licenses and end of lined in 9 months couldn’t believe it and it now looks like finally the licenses may no longer be usable without $1000 of upgrades, gulp
what exactly do you need to be updated?
@Alexey, in 3.5.6 you fixed “ios6 compatibility” and other iOS6/iPhone5 related issues. Surely there will be similar changes needed when we get iOS7 and new devices?
well, there were breaking changes in ios6 (if built with ios6 sdk). Currently i dont see any So, my point is - unless we get something to fix - we are in the dark 8) That’s why i was asking - do you see smth that needs to be fixed, or are you just jumping in whining mood on 2nd day of beta availability
Does it sound like I’m whining?
I want get the facts straight so I can advise my boss if we’re going to have to shell out thousands of pounds for Unity 4.
I’m not saying there’s anything to fix. I have no idea. I never even look at betas. I’m too busy doing Unity projects.
Ok, so what I really want to know is how long you will continue to do updates for Unity 3?
come on, didnt you notice “;-)” in the end of my sentence?
this! this was the question
I believe we stopped supporting 3.5.x release. But, for me personally - i would be happy to look at whatever you find borken in ios7, and mind you - even ios6 fixes were trampoline only, so i can just fix it and post as sticky forum post or smth. But i need smth to look at - as a programmer i work with current dev version, not some 3.5.x
You’re a nice guy Alexey but you totally S U C K at developer relations <<
sure, thats why unity chains me to code-editor/compiler and not to forums/users/whatever
Hi Alexey, really relieved that you have replied. I had just heard on other posts that Unity3d and Xcode 5 etc were not behaving together and so jumped in on the whining mood I’m in the same boat as andymads, I’m usually too frantically trying to scrape a living of apps to risk upgrading my machine to a beta.
i had to laugh on this post , that was my icon of the day ;);)
So any word on this? iOS 7 is more or less out, it seems more and more of the new assets posted to the Asset Store are Unity 4 only, and I’m beginning to worry that if I use Unity 3.5.7 to ship titles, that they may not work on iOS 7 and UT won’t support it any longer. (last I read, UT was no longer doing updates for 3.5.x)
What about support of the new hardware? Is there any chance to get a patch for UnityEngine.iPhone.generation to detect iPhone 5c / 5S? I use this at start to adjust QualitySetttings and it would be hard to switch an 5s back to 30 FPS, small culling distances, …
kayy, if you are using Unity Pro you can identify the devices without using the UnityEngine.iPhone.generation.
Check it out:
1365555–68261–$ (4.42 KB)
Thanks a lot for sharing your plugin code. Definitely a good workaround if Unity does not supply a patch
Maybe you should think about hosting it at GitHub or the Unify Community Wiki
Glad to know that you liked.
Good ideia. I will post at Unity Comunity Wiki.
In fact I prefer to use my code to identify the device because this way we do not have to wait for Unity update the list of devices. Mainly because sometimes we have to prepare our application to simultaneous launch with the new device (to receive Apple feature or to apply to special categories like “New games for iPhone5”).
And retrieve the device generation as a string is good for dynamic updates like AssetBundles or when you download cfg files form a server. This way we can update the quality settings without submit a new version of the app. This is not possible when you use an predefined types like enuns.
just a heads up - in 4.something we added getter for device model as string (with native code access to it too).
Alexey , would you make an official plugin for unity 3.5 ?
what plugin? device detection? Charles’ plugin have absolutely same native code as us, so you can use it right away.
And props to Charles for doing proper string marshaling
This is why i’m glad they added in a subscription model. Makes more sense really, for an evolving product.