Unity 3.5.7f6 build rejected = Invalid Launch Image

Hey Guys,

I´ve just uploaded a new Version of my iOS Application but it was rejected by Apple saying:

“Invalid Launch Image - Your app contains a launch image with a size modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or later.”

There is no custom Splaschscreen added by me, only the one from Unity.
I´am on OSX 10.6 using XCode 4.2 and in Unity 3.5.7f6 the 4.2 SDK version is selected.

What do I need to do fix this? I guess that just changing the sdk version in Unity to iOS 6.0 SDK will not work, is this correct?

Googling your exact error message brought up the following as the first hit:


I think that will sort you out.

You can import iOS SDK 6.x from the Xcode 4.5 image like it is described here:


This method worked well for me under OSX 10.6 with Xcode 4.2, the app gets accepted by apple without any problems.

Hi all. I just read this thread as I’m having the same problem. I’ve posted on the unity forum here about the issue. Just letting people know incase a solution is posted there:

