Unity 3.5 pathfind

Our company just startig with unity, in future we will get pro version, but now using free fow satudy. Now about problem:

As I understood unity pathfind feature avaliable olnly in pro version. Is it supports dynamic path map changes, or just work with generated befor?

Does it make sense to search for another pathfind unity lib now, if I will get pro in future?

Pathfinding is only available for Unity Pro, and only from version 3.5

Unity does not support dynamic NavMesh generation/update and requires baking beforehand. There is also a limit of 1024 NavMeshAgents Unity can handle at any one scene.

If dynamic pathfinding is important to you - or you absolutely must have huge crowds in your game - you’ll have to search for another solution. If you can get away with baking, Unity does a pretty good job at generating the NavMesh itself, and the avoidance and pathing algorithms aren’t bad at all.

thx for your time. Will google for dynamic pathfind lib. But I realu surprised that Uniti does not have free pathfind feature and limits are so strong in standart navMesh. I hope in future it will change.