I installed in a different directory, the version 3.5 in addition to the version 3.42 but the 3.42 does not work.
I develop a game for 10 months now, I tested it on version 3.5 and then surprise in the same scene:
250 “Draw calls” with the 2.42 (img 1)
1000 “Draw calls” with the 3.5 (img 2)
I recalculated lightmapping, Occlusion Area but no improvement after two days of testing …
Version 3.42 compiled, played in the Web player 3.5, loses 100 FPS
Version 3.5 compiled, played in the Web player 3.5, loses 150 FPS
I uninstalled the 3.5, installed the 3.42 again but it still does not work ! (img 3)
I left “Director-3D” for “Virtools”, I left “Virtools” for “Unity3D” and today I am really disappointed with this version.
You have an explanation ?
thank you…
The problem is “Projectors” if I delete all “Projectors” in the scene, the number of “Draw Calls” is identical to version 3.42.
In the “Statistics Window” “Used textures” is always to 0 with “Projectors”.
But why now “WBO Total = 2337” ?
Another “bug”: if I use the script: “Vignetting” (version 3.42) the “Draw Calls” are multiplied by 2 even if after I deactivated the script: “Vignetting”
Post effects are not designed to be turned on and off at runtime. Some of them turn on depth/normal buffer rendering on the camera, and you need to turn that off yourself if you want to keep the draw calls down.