Unity 3 - B2 Errors

Using VS2008 - Anyone else seeing this:

This came up in the closed beta chat. Here’s what Aras had to say.

Wow thanks for the quick reply. Fixed.

Hey anyone seen this errors:

Did you reimport the standard assets and pro standard assets?

Yeah didn’t fix it.

Also seeing this a lot:

You are not allowed to call this function when declaring a variable.

When doing this (which is called from a static ctor)

    private static void LoadAllItemIcons()
        for (int i = 0; i < itemIconArray.Length; i++)
            Texture2D icon = (Texture2D)itemIconArray[i];
            string name = icon.name;
            itemIcons.Add(name, icon);

Also still have this one:

Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/Misc/MeshCombine.js(15,42): BCE0031: Language feature still not implemented: ‘BuiltinFunction: Quack’.

complaining code is:

   var combine : CombineInstance[] = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length-1];

Just to remind you, you’re not really supposed to discuss beta issues on the forum :wink:

Sorry about that - feel free to delete the post.

I thought those restrictions were lifted w/ the release yesterday?

It’s perfectly fine to discuss Unity 3.0, but flooding the forum with support issues for a pre-release product adds too much noise at the moment.

FYI, we’ve just reproduced an extremely simple repro case for this project, so our developers will be looking at it and hopefully issuing a fix soon :slight_smile:

I fixed it - so can’t be that hard :wink: