Unity 3 Bug with anti-aliasing on specular materials causing white artefacts

After moving to Unity 3, we’ve noticed jaggy white artefacts appearing on our objects - we narrowed it down specifically to any objects using the default specular material when anti-aliasing was turned on (2x or more).

Has anyone else had this problem? There doesn’t seem to be any workaround besides writing a new specular shader. I’ve tested in fresh projects and by forcing OpenGL but the issue persists.

Well I saw similar problems with objects in shadow with real-time shadows turned on.
I don’t understand the anti-aliasing artifacts in Unity since when I used to develop with DirectX there were no such artifacts. Not sure if it’s an OpenGL thing or an issue with the rendering pipleline…

i used “parallax specular” or sometimes “vertex lit” material instead. in my case, they prevent from white artefacts.