Unity 3 + iOS + SQLite?

Anyone have a simple Unity 3 project using SQLite on iOS?


For Unity3 iOS basic that is.

it seems like the system.data namespace at the time has problems / got garbaged / broken.
see the corresponding thread on the matter by zumwalt

No. The problem is that to build the project to the iPhone, it would need a .NET socket which is not allowed for Unity3D iOS Basic. Can someone help. I have the same problem.

There may not be a way to do this in basic.

If you are still looking for a solution, i wrote about this here: http://gamesforsoul.com/2012/03/sqlite-unity-and-ios-a-rocky-relationship/

(answering to myself) I found a solution: wow → MonoSQLite | Integration | Unity Asset Store

I want use iOS + sqlite too!, a problem!!! where Can I save the file XXX.db on IOS? How Can I Get The Path on IOS ,witch I can save and write file?

Check my post, I’ve explained there.

oh thanks, this just want I need!!! thank you very much!!!