I have two question. I think about Unity 3D, and Probably I will buy this in PRO ediction. But I don’t now one thing. If this engine will makes TPP game (Third-person perspective) or only he makes FPP ? And do you now when it will be available UNITY 2.5 ?
Go to FusionFall.com and try it out. 3rd person MMO made using Unity for the client.
Essentially, Unity can be used to create any type of 3D game and can be used for 2D games as well (though 2D is not as ideal.)
The release of 2.5 is unannounced and not decided yet, though sometime next year is expected by many. June? October? Who knows.
Does Unity has day and night cycle ?
If you make one, yes. Unity is an IDE, not a construction kit or anything like that. That means you can do pretty much anything, as long as you program it (keeping in mind hardware limitations and so on).