Unity 3d, and Visual3d.NET.


I do not know hat Game Engine I should design the game on.

I do not know what the Pros and Cons are about Unity 3d and Visual3d.NET Game Engine.

Correct, unity sucks at rendering, it can hardly do 8bit.

Nah its fine, better then unity by far.

You should use Visual3d.NET it makes unity look like a kids toy.

Say what ever you want to them. None of you know what the hell you’re doing anyway.

Unity can only render 375k polygons? Since when? Unity is an FPS engine? What?

Dude your credibility drops with every post you make. Seriously, pretty sure the only polygon limit you need to worry about with either engine is what hardware the end user is using. You could probably make a game that has like a million polygons per model, but I doubt even the most beefiest gaming rig could pull off more then a couple frames per second.

Disregard the above, it’s obvious andorov is desperately trying to justify his investment in U3D when there is clearly a far superior alternative.

You’ve already elaborated on the vast gulf between the limited and graphically poor U3D, and the incredibly powerful, polished and beautiful Visual3d.net - so the only logical step is to purchase it and leave these poor deluded U3D fools to their demise.

Nevermind, I think I get it now.
I uhm what? Visual3d looks like a joke and I hope this is a sarcastic thread but I can’t tell.

I’ve come to my senses. I can’t keep throwing good money after bad.

I will be moving to Visual3D.NET or UDK within days.

Dude, this was a sarcastic comment. Nobody switches to that Visual3d thing.
Did you take a serious look on their website gallery? The screens and videos looks like Unity 2.5 or something. No offense.
I don’t understand how you came to the conclusion that Visual3d is capable of better visuals than Unity?

Why bother? This particular poster has a history of some very odd, and negative, attitudes. So let us wish him the best with his new engine.

I don’t think UDK should have been bough into the conversation, since it makes you unreliable.
Though apparently it didn’t.

Anyways - you guys are really evil by heart.

Sure, Unity is not Frostbite2 or Cryenigne3. But with good artists you can create nice environments with Unity as well.

And it is not just the Gallery of Visual3d. The whole website looks like from the late 90’s.
I don’t need to download the demo if they already fail to show some decent stuff in their gallery. That are just some guys who jumped on the ‘Let’s create a Game Engine and get Rich’ Bandwagon. I love the meaningless stock photos on their site :smile:
You can’t seriously consider that stuff. I could understand if you would think about UDK or Cry, or even Torque. But that…
Are you sure you are a CEO?

Um ok. I didn’t know about that.

Im very curious as to why majority of your posts, Josh_sg1 are illegible, indecipherable and then you can speak (write) in a way that is…how do I say human?

So the question everyone is thinking and noone is willing to ask…

Are you a robot???..Some sort of Artificial Intelli…gence??? Chatbot??? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m honestly curious about this too :wink:

Do multiple people use the puyaceo account?

I call hax. Just so we’re clear, I’m bookmarking and screenshotting this post. Then we all know I called it.

Go ahead. Study me. I’m always willing to have someone call me out as a troll etc - because that means I’ve made a mistake and therefor can take steps to rectify it.

On otherhand, you did absolutely nothing to refute my claim. I didn’t say you lacked a unique POV, in fact I said that very thing:

This particular poster has a history of some very odd, and negative, attitudes.

If you wish to dispute the use of the word negative, then go ahead, I’ve got my evidence and am happy to debate such a point. Until such time however, I’d just note that your 750+ word speech does nothing more than reaffirm my statement regarding your behavior.

I wish you well with your experiences regarding Visual3d.net, and do not linger too long to respond to this post when you can be enjoying yourself in its community. Should you decide that Visual3d.net is incapable of satisfying you demands, and return to U3D - all I ask is a short post on this thread detailing what you learnt. This is however, completely optional.

Lol there are already plenty good engines out there that can consume you a lot of time when you have to decide for one, but adding something like Visual3d to equation is like complete waste of time. I think that engines like C4, Leadwerks (not sure yet), Visual3d, and similar should be added to “dead” list in devmaster engine list to stop confusion that people have when listing trough those engines. Those engines that are developed by single person have really hard time to stick up with competition, getting ahead of competition is almost doesnt exist for single features of those engines. There are great 3d modeling softwares that are better than rest of competition, but that is already different story than game engines.

Go with Unity and you will be fine, - dont like immature people on these forums? - go to UDK, but if you come back crying about heavy editor you will be just as immature as we are.

I like Unity for my projects. But looking at your GDD’s, I would think in your case that Visual3D.net would be a better choice for you to choose for your project. Don’t listen to these guys, just go ahead and do it.

What’s up with this guy…

um…I’m pretty sure Unity is an WYSIWYG editor. Pretty damn great actually.