Unity 3D Audio Clip Disabled


I am attempting to make a sound clip play when I destroy an enemy in a space shooter type game. However it keeps giving me the following message: Can not play a disabled audio source
EnemyControllerBasic:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (at Assets/Stewart_Tafari_Lab2/Scripts/EnemyControllerBasic.cs:36).

Any idea why it is doing this?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class EnemyControllerBasic : MonoBehaviour {

// The game object which spawns us. 
private ShipPlayerController PlayerShipCtrl;
// The game object which spawns the projectile.
private Mover Bolt;
// The different IDs for the AI states
enum AIMode { Normal, Ramming, SteerTowards, Charge };
// The variable which holds the current AI state
private AIMode CurrentAIState;
// Holds the audio clip to play when 
// this object is destroyed
[SerializeField]AudioClip blowupSfxClip;
// List of pickup TYPES to spawn
[SerializeField]GameObject[] PickupTypes;
// Used to control how fast the game object moves
[SerializeField]float MoveSpeed = 4.0f;
// The speed to use when in "ramming" mode
[SerializeField]float RamSpeed = 5.0f;
// The speed to use when in "charge" mode
[SerializeField]float ChargeSpeed = 6.0f;

// Called by the engine when this object collides
// with another object containing collision
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) {

	// Hit the player's projectile?
	if (other.tag == "PlayerProjectile") {
					// A projectile= instant kills us
					// play the blowup audio sfx file
					// Drop a pickup
					SpawnPickup ();

    // Hit the player's ship?
	else if (other.tag == "PlayerShip") {
					// Wrecking with the player kills us
					// Remove points from the player for hitting the enemy
					PlayerShipCtrl.ModScore (-1);

					// Remove shield from the player for hitting the enemy
					PlayerShipCtrl.ModShield (-1);
					// Remove health from the player for hitting the enemy


Destroy(gameObject); //You destroy the game object
audio.PlayOneShot(blowupSfxClip);//You use its audio source component after its destruction

You cannot use the audio attribute of a destroyed game object.

Try to play the audio in another audio source of an enduring game object.