Hello im new to unity 3d i know i know i did went to google and type unity but some of the tutorials did not tell me everything about unity 3d so i think i could know by people helping me and oh if i posted this in the wrong section its becuase i didnt see any support or help section and i do need a lil help on the unity fourm so thanks anyone who could help:)
Dude, if you can read, this is the wrong place to post this. It explicitly says on the main page, under showcase “Show your Unity work - games, videos screenshots”. You are asking for help. If you could look slightly below that, and to your left, you’d see the VERY handy Unity Support. It’s not even 3 inches away from the showcase link on my screen.
- Post in the correct section. It can be a genuine mistake but it also shows a certain careleness.
- Ask a specific question. We are all happy to help out if you ask good questions. I’m not sure where to begin pointing you to stuff to read because I’m not sure what you are having difficulty with.