I finally figured out how to download and open the 3D platform tutorial, but when I go under Assets/Scenes and double click on TheGame.unity and open it up using Unity Editor, the scene opens up with only the main camera in the Hierarchy and none of the other objects/scenery the tutorial refers to that should already be placed in the scene. Any ideas?
I think the answer here is that there are two versions of the source files for this tutorial, one is the "Start" version, which deliberately contains an empty scene, and is there for you to be all ready to start following the tutorial from scratch. It sounds like this is the one you have, and is the only one linked to from the 3d platform tutorial page, at this URL:
However, the PDF mentsions annother version of the project, which is a completed version of the project and includes a few different scene files. However, the URL in the PDF is currently broken (leads to a non-existent page):
However, with a little guesswork I found this file, in the 'files' folder of the website:
I downloaded this to check it though, and unfortunately, this file seems to contain the same empty "TutorialStart" project as the first file! So, essentially this seems to be a bit of a website/file hosting/naming problem which ought to be fixed by UT web team.
Firstly, (apologies if this seems an obvious one, but it threw me) check if your Hierarchy is empty. If it isn't (there should be Level, levelGeometry, Lights, NearCamera & an object called spaceShip), click on one (say spaceShip), then with the cursor in the main view press 'F'. This should focus on the scene, which in my case was a million miles from the camera for some reason.
If the hierarchy is definitely empty and you definitely have TheGame scene open, the project folder is possibly corrupt / misfiled.
Try re-extracting the files, ensuring the folder you open when opening the project with Unity is called '3DPlatformerTutorialStart' and contains .mayaSwatches, Assets, Library and Temp.
If it still doesn't work, you may need to re-download the files.