Unity 3D Screen.lockCursor Problems

Hi guys, i’m having problems with locking my cursor in the middle of the screen, even when i have it set true, it moves about, please help heres my script:

var mainMenuSceneName : String;
var pauseMenuFont : Font;
private var pauseEnabled = false;			

function Start(){
	pauseEnabled = false;
	Time.timeScale = 1;
	AudioListener.volume = 1;
	Screen.showCursor = false;
	Screen.lockCursor = true;


function Update(){

	//check if pause button (escape key) is pressed
		//check if game is already paused		
		if(pauseEnabled == true){
			//unpause the game
			pauseEnabled = false;
			Time.timeScale = 1;
			AudioListener.volume = 1;
			Screen.showCursor = false;	
			GetComponent(MouseLook).enabled = true;	
			Screen.lockCursor = false;
		//else if game isn't paused, then pause it
		else if(pauseEnabled == false){
			pauseEnabled = true;
			AudioListener.volume = 0;
			Time.timeScale = 0;
			Screen.showCursor = true;
			GetComponent(MouseLook).enabled = false;
			Screen.lockCursor = false;

private var showGraphicsDropDown = false;

function OnGUI(){

GUI.skin.box.font = pauseMenuFont;
GUI.skin.button.font = pauseMenuFont;

	if(pauseEnabled == true){
		//Make a background box
		GUI.Box(Rect(Screen.width /2 - 100,Screen.height /2 - 100,250,200), "Pause Menu");
		//Make Main Menu button
		if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 - 100,Screen.height /2 - 50,250,50), "Main Menu")){
		//Make Change Graphics Quality button
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 - 100,Screen.height /2 ,250,50), "Change Graphics Quality")){
			if(showGraphicsDropDown == false){
				showGraphicsDropDown = true;
				showGraphicsDropDown = false;
		//Create the Graphics settings buttons, these won't show automatically, they will be called when
		//the user clicks on the "Change Graphics Quality" Button, and then dissapear when they click
		//on it again....
		if(showGraphicsDropDown == true){
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 + 150,Screen.height /2 ,250,50), "Fastest")){
				QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fastest;
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 + 150,Screen.height /2 + 50,250,50), "Fast")){
				QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fast;
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 + 150,Screen.height /2 + 100,250,50), "Simple")){
				QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Simple;
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 + 150,Screen.height /2 + 150,250,50), "Good")){
				QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Good;
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 + 150,Screen.height /2 + 200,250,50), "Beautiful")){
				QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Beautiful;
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width /2 + 150,Screen.height /2 + 250,250,50), "Fantastic")){
				QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fantastic;
				showGraphicsDropDown = false;
		//Make quit game button
		if (GUI.Button (Rect (Screen.width /2 - 100,Screen.height /2 + 50,250,50), "Quit Game")){

I believe thats because your using the editor, lockcursor in my experience only works with the editor if you have maximize on play set.
It should work in an actual executable and in the editor during testing if maximize on play is on.

It only does this in the editor. Your actual .exe will work fine once built.