UNITY 3D vs Leadwerks

What do you think about this two engine. Unity 3D 2.1 and Leadwerks 2.
Whos engine will be better ? Unity 3D or Leadwerks ? This is very important for me. WHat do you suggest ? :-)) I do with my Team RPG game

Are you expecting an unbiased answer to that question on this forum?

Maybe some person tried Unity and leadwerks… :smile: So I am expecting for yours answers.

I don’t know Leadwerks but quoting their website:

That seems pretty… high-end. Not everybody has a SM4 GPU or even a SM3 GPU.

I guess it depends on what kind of games you want to do (High-end RPG or lower budget RPG more accessible to everyone).

Also, keep an eye on the tools provided by both engines. Having good tools is a huge time saver and might be as important as the engine itself IMO.

One of the advantage of Unity is their very cool Editor.

Again I don’t know about Leadwerks so I can’t help you more.

I hope you find an engine that suits your needs :slight_smile:

Leadwerks contrary to Unity is

a) not a complete solution, just a 3d/physics engine.
b) only available for windows.
c) more in a incomplete and unoptimized state.
d) requires SM3.

Maybe a V3 of Leadwerks will be fine, once it’s crossplatform and reality reflects a SM3 only world. Until then it’s fine if you want to play around with 3d more on a private basis but today in 99% it’s not recommendable for a commercial product at least if you target something like the casual market. The SM3 only border will remain whilst the developer tries to support OSX in the future too. On the other side Pro licence of Leadwerks costs you less than a Unity Indie licence.

Just try both and see which one is better. We do have a free trial version.

When the Windows version available?

When it’s done. Probably in a few months.

As for leadwerks 3D: question is if you want to target highend users only. Because thats all leadwerks can do, it runs on SM3+ (actually on NVIDIA with some SM4 features), on SM2 the quality degrades considerably.

Also, Leadwerks 3D nowhere compares to the artist friendly editor and component design of Unity3D.

the main benefit of leadwerks is its price, but as longtime customer of Josh (the owner and programmer behind Leadwerks), I highly doubt that the engine will really end at a point where it is usable for casual games.
He thought has the capability to write great tech demo technology

As user with a pretty strong background in BlitzMax (it was long my main language) in which leadwerks 3d is developed and at which it was first targeted, I’ve tested the engine demo after each new version again and i can only recommend to you that you:

  1. Either go for Unity3D if you want the simplicity
  2. Check out Torque Game Engine Advanced, a flexible but source oriented technology (its visually powerfull and has scripting but the main focus is on source where Unity is focused on “modding” the engine through scripting)
  3. if both don’t suite you, go for C4 / S2 instead of leadwerks, if you want visual power and OpenGL only
  4. If all that went wrong, check out Leadwerks

If all you want to do is play around and make simple demos, Leadworks is ok.

If you want to make games, use Unity.

Highly recommending not purchasing leadwerks engine 2 (i did im sorry to say), the creator is highly unprofessional when it comes to what he wants to hear and not.

Dont say you wherent warned :slight_smile:

I’ve never had Josh be unprofessional with me. It has been quite a while, but he was always forthcoming and professional when I was answering Torque-related questions for 3D World Studio.

I used to visit the Blitz Basic forums a few years back. Josh’s behavior there was consistently reprehensible. As I recall, at one point he did a massive edit to try and cover up his comments.

I second AruZul’s warning.

The almost mesmerizing aspect of this thread kicks in when browsing through the postings and reading through this…

…and this…

…and when you realise that after so many years of waiting it really happened.

Beside of Director 8.5, the wait for BlitzMax 1.0, this is one of the finest releases,and despite some obvious shortfalls it still makes me giggle inside when firing Unity 2.5 up on windows. :O)

I can agree about Josh, totally unprofessional despite how he may appear at times. Once he doesnt get what he wants he throws the toys out of the pram.

Thats something different, as you are not only directly his customer.
He might be ignorant and unbelievable unprofessional with us “normal people” but he is not exactly stupid and is likely very well aware who you are in relation to torque.
Also torque is likely one of his larger selling bases as torque’s own csg editor didn’t work out as well as most hoped sadly (and unless I missed a new release or script source release, its still TGE only driven), so he won’t risk to lose that.

But I for one am one of those where he tried to void the license for no reason.

to answer you question on which engine is better… well there is an simple but not so simple answer here! asking if one is better than the other is no different than asking if ford is better than chevy the answers chevy dah…jk really though the answer is complicated a heap load of factors need to be put into it mainly what are you doing with it? (game type) what 3d software do you know? what programing languages do you know? what features do you want built in? and most importantly what one makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside while moving the mouse and realizing your dream? do what i did download one trial at a time from like a bizzilion engines and try um out i highly suggest you get quite a few models first so that you can get the most out of each of the trials than after your all trield(is that a word?) let your heart and vision decide wishing you the best of luck

Most people should be getting sm4 cards by now if they want to play good games.
Leadwerks engine has reached the stage where yuo can complete a game, and its good. but not yet as mature as Unity.Tutorials get out of date with each update and you have to wait till they are fixed.
I am using Unity AND leadwerks and love both of them.

Gamers have SM4 cards, others not needfully (at least not cards that are fast enough)

Question is: do you have the millions to produce a game that appeals hardcore gamers with gamer hardware or not?
Because if not, writting SM4 as min req will ensure a flop (not even Crytek is that insane)

Well, I’ve got an SM 4.1 card, and LE’S speed sucks!, I was a licensee of LE before i lost my license.

LE is not artistic.
LE is not fast.
LE is not cross-platform.
LE is a rendering/Physics engine only.
LE requires heavy use from you for C++, Thus, You are being forced to use Low-level code.
Josh said that LE 2.3 would come in October, then November, and now, some when in 2010.
Josh is un-professional and he tries to only copy a tech demo of Crysis.
LE is written in BMAX, ROFL?
Josh gives false info about LE, he said he developed the “Newton Archemedes” Physics engine based on “Newton Game Dynamics”, and there is nothing but Netown Game dynamics, not even one edit, LE gives much info about “Professional-ism”, The Engine is very unprofessional.
Uses OpenGL 2 only.
The owner says LE will be cross-platform, How?, by WINE(The win32 application runner on various platforms)!
Unity3D is much more mature than LE.

LE is nothing compared to Unity3D!