Unity 4.2 free: a more complete material?


I can’t find a material that suports all the maps I need to input:


Is there a way to use all those in one material?


Write your own shader

I forgot to say: I’m new to Unity and I absolutely don’t know how to write shaders or anything for that matter. I

s there a simple material that lets me input all those maps?


There’s no way to use these maps in one shader???


Please help!!

Sure, but you’ll have to write it yourself since there isn’t a built-in shader like that. Or hire someone to write it for you if you don’t want to learn shaders.


Grab a copy of Strumpy Shader Editor (it’s an editor tool, I don’t know if it’s still in the Asset Store or not) and go to town :slight_smile: Strumpy is a visual, graph-based shader editor that generates shader code. From there, it’s quite simple to make a shader with the maps you desire.

What do you understand as gloss vs spec ?

Did you try the Self-Illuminated/Bumped Specular Shader ?

It has:

  • Main color
  • Specular Color
  • Main texture with Gloth strength in the alpha channel.
  • illumination Map (Alpha only → not colored illumination)
  • Normal Map

From what I’ve seen here, “gloss” is a single channel that drives how shiny a texel should appear. Strangely (to me), gloss is encoded as the alpha channel of an RGBA image file, sometimes. (I call it strange, as many tools make it difficult to edit them independently, and it’s easy to accidentally damage the other channels if you get “premultiply alpha” wrong.) It used to be that this concept was called “specularity” and whenever someone was talking about specularity mapping, they meant this single-channel concept. If color was involved for metallic materials, it was fixed (all gold or all white or all red).

Nowadays, the discussion of specularity seems to be more about varying the specularity color at each texel, and gloss is the intensity of specularity effect.

It would seem more appropriate if the specularity color map used the alpha on this map to drive its intensity, and not try to encode it into the traditional diffuse map. Where possible, though, I give a separate single-channel image that I can see as black/white, for any intensity mapping like specular or illumination intensity.

The Strumpy shader editor looks perfect of the job. The last one is for 3.5. Will it still work for 4.2?

Thanks for the help.