I’ve just noticed that 4.3.4 version with a fix for a Mavericks’ driver leaks is already published!
Please share with the rest if the update has solved your performance issues.
Mine is still downloading. I just can’t believe my Unity will be running smooth like in good old… months.
Anyway, it is a bit odd that they have named it 4.3.4, rather than or so (comparing to the volume of fixes and improvements in 4.3.3).
oh please please please
I guess a “true” fix requires Apple to fix their bug, but the Unity patch is working quite well here.
It’s a bigger update than 4.3.2 was.
Perhaps they know a 4.4 will come out soon
Is that the GUI I smell?!
Monodevelop solution sync problem still not solved.
Yeah, MonoDevelop still freezes upon debugging. But at least the Unity runs pretty well.
Editor runs well for me now, definitely helps. That being said I experienced a weird OSX resource exhaustion problem I have never had before after leaving Unity open all day, not sure if they are related.
Basically all my network resources were exhausted, could not open any web pages, ssh connection, etc. Reboot cleared it up, guess I will see if it happens again.
I was having to use the ‘MemoryClean’ little app for Mac about every 3-4 hours to make Unity useable or every time after a build. The annoying thing for me is when I turn OpenGL emulation off every time I open a scene it reverts back and I have to keep switching it off which takes around 10 secs and that’s using 4.3.4 I want it to default off and then I can switch it on when I want, that solved most of my 4.3.3 crashes and its annoying as you only remember to switch it off after its crashed. Unity used to run beautifully before Mavericks, I would sleep my Mac and sometimes Unity was open for a week or more no problems now I’m lucky to get half a day without a crash I hope 4.3.4 will be better as it hasn’t crashed yet , but the performance is still awful unless I switch the Open GL emulation off.
Does auto completion work for you? It s half broken for me; by example when I type game object it can’t find it on my script, but it work fine on windows
monodevel is really broken now for couple releases… it actually horrible. i have all kinds of problems with it. and i thought it was a step forward to have monodevelop 4 but now i know better…
i’m a windows 7 user, would this update have any relevance to me?, i just don’t feel up to downloading unity again with my internet speed until something really useful comes up like the GUI or some other big change/s.
was that directed at me?.
When a new release is made, visit the release notes for that release. The 4.3.4 release notes are:
Read the release notes, and then figure out if you need/want that release. In the 4.3.4 case, that will be if you are using Mavericks or if you have problems using WWW on iOS.
ah, thanks, it looks like i don’t need it then.
I installed 4.3.4 on my Mac running 10.9.1, and MonoDevelop disappeared from the quick launch. Only a question mark remained in its place on the quick launch bar.
It seems MonoDevelop was installed, just in a new location. The old question mark icon in the launcher remains from pinning a link to the old version.
For anyone else with this issue, double clicking a script in Unity successfully launches the new version, which you can then pin to the start bar.
Is there any way to get “Go To Declaration” to work semi-properly in the latest MD? Or at least show up more often but do the wrong thing, just to get my hopes up? Not being able to jump around in the code is one of the ways the current MD is far crappier than previously crappy crap. And it’s a pretty serious time waster.
And it’s so hit and miss! Works perfectly fine on one of my machines, mostly ok on another, and so terrible that I resorted to Visual Studio Express on another. (Thankfully someone had written a handler to make working with Express much nicer, so that actually ended up being a plus.)
I have no idea if it’s install specific, machine specific, OS specific, phase-of-the-moon specific…