Has anyone else been having problems launching their game in editor after having attached to process in MonoDevelop to debug? Every time I hit play I get a crash. However, if I attach to the process while it’s already playing it doesn’t crash and I can debug. But as soon as I try restart or detach it crashes. Any ideas?
This is a known problem with the experimental Unity debugger plugin for Xamarin, as well. You can work around it by waiting to attach the debugger until after you have hit play. However, you also have to detach before you stop playing, or it will crash. (Assuming it’s the same crash… the symptoms sound very similar, but I’m not in the beta, personally, so I have no way to know for sure.)
The issue is the failure to allocate thread local storage in the mono runtime that Unity uses. I’m rather surprised this hasn’t been fixed yet, since they announced they will support the new version of MonoDevelop in the release version of 4.3.