Unity 4.3 Jump AI

I am very new to unity and have been working along with the source from the 2d demo creating a test 2d side scroller. Well anyway I am trying to write the script for the enemy AI. I basically want to know the 4.3 way to do jumping. I have the player working properly including animation states and I have the enemy looking for platforms and jumping but I don’t understand the right way to get the player from ground to the platform.
I didn’t even know what a character controller in unity was until 2 weeks ago :slight_smile: I see samples for jump using that but not the “new 4.3 way” using addforce?
Hope you understand and I appreciate any help. Here to clarify.
Any reason the demo uses 365 for jumpforce??

check the unity Learn Section 2d Character controller ! it show you how to do jump \ double jump by add forces :slight_smile:

Thank you.
Watched and learned.
I guess my question boils down to how do I use forces but setup the NPC jump to land at a specific platform or point??