Unity 4.5 Hierarchy window causes game view lag issues

I have just upgraded from 4.3 to 4.5, everything was perfectly fine back in 4.3.

Now in 4.5, given that I have very large scenes (many thousands of gameobjects), whenever I press play, the game freezes up whenever I spawn particle systems.

I have found out that this has to do with the hierarchy window (most likely due to the new GO sorting feature).

If I close the hierarchy window, or enter some search criteria which ends up with very few (or no) results, the lag disappears.

I assume this may get progressively worst if you have multiple Hierarchy windows.

I have also confirmed this DOES get worst as you have more Hierarchy windows open.
This issue also affects how responsive the Inspector window is, once you have thousands of gameobjects and several Hierarchy windows open, it will take up to 3 seconds before anything pops up on the inspector after selecting an asset in the Project window.

Unity Devs you can easily reproduce this by creating many empty game objects and opening several Hierarchy windows.
(Edit: dont use nested empty GOs, just keep them in the root)

Just did some more testing and with roughly 15,000 empty game objects and 3 Hierarchy windows, clicking on an asset made me wait 1 minute and 40 seconds before anything responded.

I tried the exact same scene and procedure in Unity 4.3 and the response was instant.

I’ve fixed the response time for it (not sure when it will get into a RC). Very easy fix just wish someone caught it before it was let loose :(.

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Thanks for all your work! I guess this would be an excellent opportunity to make a new patch release. :wink:

I did some testing too and it seemed to be related the search/highlighting feature. I guess none of the beta testers tried making any insanely large projects. :smile:

Yea i’m going to see what i can do to get it in asap. It also pointed out another very majour issue that caused a noticeable lag while using the search field.

This fix is not included in 4.5.1 right?

No it didnt make the cut off for 4.5.1 :frowning: