Unity 4.5 look ugly in windows 8.1


Today is my first day of game programming with Unity3d but …
Why unity look ugly in windows 8.1 with 1920*1080 resolution ? I want to choose a game engine for 2D game development but i don’t know which one Unity3d or Cocos2d-x ???
Overall Unity is better but i can’t work in a ugly looking software like unity on the other side Cocos2d-x look really lovely and delightful (Nice eclipse code IDE and nice Cocos Studio)

Please let me know if i can change Unity default theme
On the other side because Unity3d blocked my country, I’m going to use a cracked version of it so with this information you think which one is better for me? Unity3d or Cocos2d-x???

Well, I do think there are better things to judge the software on than its visual appearance to the developer… I think how the games look to the players is what matters :).

Not acceptable; Unity is free and does not need to be cracked.


Strange on two levels. One, your IP addresses all map to the US, and two, it’s usually governments that block countries, I’m pretty sure Unity isn’t making any unilateral decisions.

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