unity 4.5 out

How do you feel about the new version of unity?

Nothing, Still at 4.3 and waiting for two things.

  1. 4.6
  2. unity 5 pro(or subscription) price adjustment

Seriously did you pay money?
Do you belong to a game making studio?
Didn’t you read that you can use Unity for free unless you studio’s annual turnover does not exceed USD 100,000?

I’ve got the installer waiting right there, but I can’t upgrade until my school does :frowning:

I guess you are asking me. I don’t belong to a game making studio, I am studio right now. I am using free version. But I don’t see a point to upgrade unless it is deemed essential. So I am at 4.3. Once they adjust price of pro(specially subscription), I will consider buying. Once I got some money from release, I will pick it anyway(whatever the price is). Because I just fucking love unity. UE4 is cheaper but unity3d is easier and “time is money”.

And oh, about free vs pro, its not about money actually. Its about features. For many reason, pro is essential. Some case you just CAN NOT solve with “only free”. To give example of it, it may require a huge wall of text.

Still crashes randomly, more frequently on exit. Still tons of issues with Mecanim in compiled/published runtime. Still does not call all animation events from Animator when animations are in transition etc. the list is long :slight_smile:

Works as good for me as it did before. I haven’t really been affected by bugs. But then again, I don’t use that many of Unity’s features at the moment.

The new manual ordering is good, but it feels half-baked. Silly little bugs like how Duplicate in the hierarchy adds the new item as the last child instead of below the selection shows that Unity’s approach of having a small beta test group is ineffective. It also reminded me of the very first bug I saw in unity and which still exists: Cut and Paste doesn’t work. I’ve long since gotten used to dragging, but the new ordering means you’re doing it much more often, and so you feel they pain of dragging long distances more often too. Hard to believe such a basic feature is still missing after all these years.

There are other bugs in the manual ordering too, to do with when prefabs are Applied. I haven’t yet been able to describe the bugs well enough to make a full report, but currently it feels like “Did you test this at all?”, so probably just need to wait for 4.5.1.

I kind of feel like it’s either you get stuff out faster but get complaints of it being half-baked or you have the time taken to perfect it, but then have complaints that Unity is taking too long for updates.

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That’s why being more open is the solution: those who would complain that it’s not out yet can get their hands dirty with an open beta, and the bugs they find (and even fix, if the source is visible) should make for a better final release.


I’m a Unity Indie user, so this wouldn’t really benefit me right now, but what if they made early access to beta versions another feature of being a Pro user. The perception of most people is that Unity Pro is a more expensive choice than other engines (not trying to start that debate), and giving access to beta for Pro users who want to risk it would be a way to add a “feature” without taking away anything Indie users currently have.


an approx. idea of when unity 4.6 will be out?



I’m finding it to be a bit flakey. Add a game object to another one as a child and it doesn’t show up in the heirachy until you collapse and then re expand the game object that is the parent. Horrible ghosting of the text to in the hierarchy when you hover over something, but not always, just when you are trying to read something. 2d messes up sprite imports sometimes. Shaders seem to behave differently on IOS than they did on 4.3 which is causing a horrible stutter on my materials where I animate the offsets etc. NGUI is now misbehaving with 4.5 where it seems to take for ever for the system to report the screen size correctly, it used to be a few frames now its about a dozen frames or more. This causes my game screens to jump to the right for the first second play on IOS.

so all in all just as unreliable as before. except so far it’s not trashed a project like 4.3 used to, but its only been a few days!

This says unity 4.6 will be released in summer. Seriously?Unity 4.5 is THE LATEST VERSION WE HAVE NOW!
posted on june 4th 2014

I haven’t seen any of these issues at all; I’ve used 4.5 quite a bit and it’s been quite solid. Sounds like some of that could be an issue with graphics card drivers; e.g. I definitely have never seen anything like “horrible ghosting” on anything in Unity, ever.


I’ve had the hierarchy collapse/expand thing happen a couple of times, but I can’t reliably reproduce the results. It seems to only happen on PCs but not my Mac.

Reverted back to 4.3, broke quite a lot of things


Have you filed a bug report for this? If so, could you PM me the ticket number?