Unity 4.6 GUI select button via script

Hi. So I have a button which disappears when its clicked upon and other button shows up in the same place and I’d like it to be automatically selected. I would write a function for it but I don’t know if there’s a command that does that. The documentation is non existing yet since it is a beta release and those few video tutorials mention only the editor functions…

Thanks for any tips

EDIT - there should be such a command since you can set “First Selected” in the EventSystem

There are public functions on the event system:

public void SetSelectedGameObject(GameObject selected, BaseEventData pointer);
public void SetSelectedGameObject(GameObject selected);

and the EventSystem type is under: UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem

Also there are beta docs installed locally with this version:

…[Unity Installation Folder]\Editor\Data\Documentation\html\en\index.html