Unity 4.6 release date

Hi Guys,

I’m becoming increasingly frustrated by a seemingly complete stonewall of any answers relating to the release date of Unity 4.6(with the new GUI) we included a load of features in our specifications that really are only worth it with the new GUI and now we’re holding off doing important pieces of work rather than buying something from the asset store.

I don’t need a release date all I need from you Unity is a bit more of an idea, up to 4 weeks? maybe up to 8 weeks? just anything! Its not like you don’t have any idea either - we know our velocities so you must do too - so please for the love of god(yours, mine and everyone elses) give us clue?



Don’t really have much to say (simply because I don’t know) but I’ll give a bleep anyway. 4.6 is still in heavy beta testing and fixing. I’m not aware of an anticipated target other than “summer”. It’ll arrive before 5.0 but that’s not much to go on indeed.

So yeah, told you… I have nothing to say :slight_smile: Sorry…


Hi Rene,

Heh, well thanks for responding anyway - it’s not that i’m trying to be a whiner, it’s just a bit frustrating not knowing!



I share your frustration with the waiting. We are currently struggling to move forward with our current project and continue to skirt the UI features until the new GUI arrives.

The words “heavy beta testing” do not inspire confidence of a release until late August :frowning:


We are also at a stage in our project where GUI programming will begin in approx 2 weeks time…This makes
us wonder whether we should risk waiting out a bit for 4.6. We really
want to use 4.6 features, so indeed any ballparks would be great here…Thanks

Same here. We would highly appreciate it if at least some more information could be given on any compatibility with NGUI (as it is heavily influenced by it, it seems). If it is a similar as I understand based on the demonstrations that can be found on Youtube, we could start off with a NGUI based UI, and switch later on without too much of a hassle.

As far as i understood new GUI is basicly made by same person who made NGUI so im pretty sure he understands every aspect and will make it compatible.

He was working on it at some point but left UT last year or so, so you cant count on that.

He was only there relatively briefly, and it’s changed much since then so it’s really not NGUI at all or compatible with it.


looking forward to hearing from you: " It’s out! "

Count the days guys: :smile:

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I think they might release it during Unite which is August 20-22. Hopefully.

Why release date of Unity 4.6 is so important?
You know what’s in it?


Let me offer an alternative perspective.

Do you really want to wait any length of time to then hang the success of your project’s UI on a 1.0 version of a library? Regardless of how much beta testing it gets, it’s going to take time to mature to the point where all the sharp edges are sanded off and dark corners properly lit. That’s not a knock on Unity; it’s just the nature of software development.

On the other hand, there are two or three good UI packages on the asset store that have shipped in multiple production games, which you could be using right now.


NONE of the packages(that i’m aware of) offer the features of the new unity GUI, so yes, i’m developing a cross platform game that requires a great, easy to develop UI - its not much to ask for a rough release date - we can get on with other stuff and adjust our plans accordingly

They already gave a rough estimate: summer.


I’m not quite sure why you think that’s an acceptable “time” for a release. I have 8 people sitting around trying to figure out a project plan. I know that given the tools they need how long it will take to complete a piece of work. Unity will also know their “velocities” and excluding a major oversight in development can give a better estimate than “summer”

If this was summer 2013 it would be normal for a major software company to say summer 2014, but we’re IN summer, M$, Oracle, SAP ALL OF THEM provide more accurate release dates closer to the time.

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@marcfielding : Never plan with what you potently could have. Just rely on the things you have access to.
The GUI systems that are on the asset store may not have 100% of the function you will get if unity brings it GUI out but at the moment you have 0% of the new unity GUI , so every other GUI system is more appropriate then to wait an unknown amount of time for a new and not 100% ready/ Stable new GUI from unity.

I would like to have the new GUI too but at the moment NGUI does the job fine for me.