Unity 4x Set.Active warnings

I upgraded to unity 4.0 and I get a lot of warnings and possibly from that, mac appstore validation fails. I am activating/deacivating a couple of game objects with this

#pragma strict

public var blackScreen : GameObject;
var lightSwitchObject : GameObject;
var lightOnSound : AudioClip;
var lightOffSound : AudioClip;

var LIGHTON : GameObject;
var LIGHTOFF : GameObject;

function Start(){
    LIGHTON.SetActiveRecursively (true);
    LIGHTOFF.SetActiveRecursively (false);

function fadeIn(){

function fadeOut(){

function DarkRoom()
	lightSwitchObject.active = false;
	LIGHTON.SetActiveRecursively (true);
    LIGHTOFF.SetActiveRecursively (false);

function LightRoom()
	lightSwitchObject.active = true;
	LIGHTON.SetActiveRecursively (false);
    LIGHTOFF.SetActiveRecursively (true);
function DarkRoomDummy()
	lightSwitchObject.active = false;

function LightRoomDummy()
	lightSwitchObject.active = true;

and the warning is like this:

Assets/Scripts/NewCameraFadeBlack.js(28,27): BCW0012: WARNING: ‘UnityEngine.GameObject.active’ is obsolete. GameObject.active is obsolete. Use GameObject.SetActive(), GameObject.activeSelf or GameObject.activeInHierarchy.


for this particular case I can probably use instantiate and destroy and forget about active inactive for now. The problem is that I cannot understand (read the docs) for the life of me how to check if a child object is active.

private function HasChildren(obj:Transform)
		var active:int = 0;
		for (var _child:Transform in obj)
			if (_child.gameObject.active == true)
		return (active > 0);

if (_child.gameObject.active == true) - I need to check if the current set of targets are active (they are parented to a game object used to activate that particular set).

Now, in Unity 4, if you want to activate a game object, you have to do myGameObject.SetActive(true) - the same to deactivate, passing false.

To check if a game object is active or not, just do

if (myGameObject.gameObject.activeSelf == true) //Do what you need
