Edit:: still same problem with 5.0.1p1
Edit2:: If I uncheck Baked GI, it bakes without crashing or locking up the computer… But checking Baked GI will lock up the computer over time until it’s completely unresponsive and kicks me back to the windows login screen after being locked up for 3-5 mins…
Edit3! If I enable Baked GI and click bake, then click cancel immediately after, it has a memory leak and if I just let the computer sit it starts becoming unresponsive and hanging after under a minute until it eventually kicks me out of windows (around 5 mins)…
**Orig post
It actually logs me out of windows and throws a bunch of memory errors even if I have nothing else open but Unity, when I try to bake lighting…
I have 16gb of ram, i7 cpu, 780 ti gpu.
The problem occurs at “1/15 atlassing 1 jobs”…every time.
I have 2 directional lights in the scene set to baked, and 1 building set to static.
Can’t even write down the memory errors because it shows for a few seconds then the resolution goes to something low like 800 x 600 and then it kicks me out of windows back to the login screen…
Now I hit cancel during the 1/15 Atlassing…phase and it let me select stuff in the editor, but keeps freezing, and then it just locked up, even though it’s not computing lightmapping. It’s still locking up the cpu, can’t open a browser, everything is intermittently responsive until I reboot the computer…(have to actually hold the power button down to shut down, it’s completely frozen after trying to bake and cancel baking because it was freezing…)
I’ve moved the project to 2 different hard drives (internal) just in case one of them was going bad, same problems on both.
At this point we’re probably going to have to go back to Unity 4x…sadly we already upgraded a couple licenses. This is a VR project and we NEED baked lighting. FPS is half with even 1 directional light only.