Unity 5.1.1 facebook sdk 7.0.2 beta problem. Crash when loggin.

I was using unity 4.5 and newest not beta facebook sdk (maybe 6).
(Old versions) So I write code from tutorial on youtube. Builded for android everything login scores etx was working on my android phone. Everything great but I upgraded unity and then because of that upgraded facebook sdk( because old version not compatible with unity 5.1.1).
After upgrade I had 3 errors in code and with logout login (don’t remenber 3rd). So I fixed code. I change FB.login to FB.loginwithpublicpremissions with few premmisions (or with local). When i had error something about id or something like that I thinked I fix that too. In unity I can login normal with test user and with my access token i can see my friends. Everything works.
But when i build for android my app crash when i press login button.

Short story: unity 5.1.1 facebook sdk 7.0.2 beta. App crash on phone when trying to loggin.

My app is submitted to facebook and they accept.

Anyone have this problem and know how to fix it?

I think that happened because you had both read and publish permissions in the permissons string of the login function. This will cause the app to crash, when using the Facebook SDK 7.0.2.

SDK 7.0.1 does not work when port to multi-platforms e.g: WinPhone, iOS.
Should better stick with 7.0.2 to using new API then wait for Facebook release the new SDK while it still work on Unity debug mode.
Or else, using lower version of Unity also for fully support and better compatible. You never know when an issue appeared.