I don’t want the android READ_PHONE_STATE (= read phone state and indentity) to be added to the app permissions.
This permission leads to bad ratings and questions! Especially for child directed apps.
Please give us control over the permissions that are added, in 5.0 you added INTERNET and now this. I could understand the INTERNET permission, but how can I explain this permissions to the users?
Who wants to spy on my users?
If it is for Unity Analytics, I am not using it so there is no need to add the permission.
I hope that it is a bug as it is not mentioned in the Unity 5.1 release notes.
Please let me know how to remove the READ_PHONE_STATE permission.
That is possible but then I am curious why previous versions of Unity did not need the permission to pause the game.
I hope that Unity will give an explanation because I will have to update the privacy policy.
I have posted here and in the ‘Answers’ section and now there is a bug report.
Only Unity can answer this question, are there other ways to contact them?
I dont think this is the only permission we should be questioning.
Multiple Unity games seem to force certain Android permissions that are not needed, I got emails from customers also worried to what the reason is for these permissions considering the dodgyness of the Android platform, by this I mean full of crap, so people are more caucious what they download!
I use 3rd party asset from now to manage permissions as Unity never given a answer on this after many requests over time.
MrEsquire, which 3rd party asset are you using to manage the permissions?
In another thread someone from Unity warned that removing permissions could cause random crashes. Have you experienced crashes with Unity 5.1 after removing the READ_PHONE_STATE permission?
One of my apps that is child directed has been downloaded over 300.000 times. I will be answering questions all day when I update it with a build made with Unity 5.1.
I wonder why there are only a few replies to this thread, it is a real issue that we are losing control over the permissions and not even know what they are being used for (what information is collected?), we are responsible for what we publish.
I still hope that it is a bug.
I am posting this because Unity support is asking me to. However, if anyone else has an answer, I would appreciate input.
I just upgraded Unity 5 from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1. Now my Android app is requiring the following permissions: “read phone status and identity” and “full network access view network connections”. Prior to updating, these permissions were not required. Nothing has changed in the app project. No additional code was written. These new permissions are unacceptable. Please, I require a means of eliminating these permissions from the app.
No news, still waiting…
As you said there have been several releases and patch builds and I wonder when it will be fixed. I haven’t seen any Android specific fixes in the latest release and patch builds and the bug is still ‘open’. With a major release like Unity 5 I would expect Unity to fix the bugs and work towards something stable before implementing and adding new features so that developers can release their apps. There still seem to be many problems with Android.