Since I upgraded to Unity 5.1, everytime I press a button, the UI flickers/jitters. This is on android.
The same build with Unity 5.0 doesn’t flicker/jitter. I upgraded my projects to 5.1 before realizing. I’m close to a deadline and can’t afford the UI to flicker everytime a button is pressed.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
(I’m using Samsung Galaxy s3 Mini. My android version is 4.2.2).
EDIT: I’ve downgraded back to Unity 5.0.x, where everything works. In other words, this isn’t a life and death matter anymore, but I’d still like to use the latest version of Unity. I’m still looking for an answer to this.
The bug has been fixed in Unity 5.3.4f1. I had a similar problem on Samsung S3 mini (Android 4.2.2). The UI was flickering or the game just crashed. I can confirm that the new release has fixed the issues.
You should check the scene’s camera’s FOV. Then check your canvas for the plane distance. If the plane distance on the canvas is withing 0.01 of the camera’s FOV it will flicker. Just change the plane distance on the canvas. I would recommend something like 0.5 so that objects don’t usually pass through it. Hope this helped!
I fixed this with an answer from another similar question here:
The answer was:
“Reducing Pixel Per Ratio solved my problem. Previously it was 100, I reduced it to 50.”
I left a comment there about how it solved my particular issue, but will add it here for clarity:
“My scenario was several canvas objects with buttons on each one, I switch between canvases for my menu system. I changed all canvas options of “Reference Pixels Per Unit” from 100 to 50. Seems to have worked!”
Sorry to repeat stuff, but you never know when things may get deleted.
This only became an issue for me when I switched to Unity 5.1, I need to look into it more to see if it’s a bug or not.
I was using a Samsung Tab3 Lite (Android 4.2.2), I did not notice this issue on my Note2 device or a cheap Chello android tablet so it’s difficult to draw any easy conclusions.
This problem has been from the beginning of Unity 5 series. And still is.
Fonts, UI elements flicker and sprite graphics suffles around.
Not a platform specific problem, it happens in Editor OSX, Window, Android builds, iOS builds.
No matter what Graphics API nor multithreaded, batching setting.
Now they promise to fix it in 5.3.2p1 but when will that come ( and I doubt it will be fixed anyways )