I keep getting a fatal exception error on Unity 5.2.3 and older versions too.
It happens when I go to any menu. What I mean is I can get to some menu but after a while the menu starts to flash that it becomes unreadable then i get a fatal error. This seems to be my end i don’t think it unity itself, could this be a DirectX problem.
LoginId:aea7471945a6487daa05599ba4f0d8ba Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000028 nvwgf2umx nvwgf2umx nvwgf2umx nvwgf2umx nvwgf2umx nvwgf2umx D3D12Core dxgi dxgi dxgi dxgi dxgi dxgi UnrealEditor_D3D12RHI UnrealEditor_D3D12RHI UnrealEditor_D3D12RHI UnrealEditor_RHI UnrealEditor_RHI UnrealEditor_RHI UnrealEditor_RHI UnrealEditor_Core UnrealEditor_Core UnrealEditor_RenderCore UnrealEditor_Core UnrealEditor_Core kernel32 ntdll