Unity 5.3.1 Editor stuck on white screen


I was working on my project without any issues yesterday but this morning when I attempt to load it up Unity 5.3.1 is stuck on a blank white screen. I’ve waited upwards of 5 minutes with the same results.

Here’s my log file: LICENSE SYSTEM [2016127 7:48:51] No start/stop license dates setLICENSE SY - Pastebin.com - pastebin to preserve this message integrity

I was able to solve the issue by going to my project folder and renaming the ‘Library’ folder (I’m sure deleting would also work).

Unity crashed (shocker, right?). I rebooted and whenever I tried to load that project it would get hung up with a white screen. I could open other projects. I renamed the library folder to LibraryBackup just in case. Then it worked fine. It took a while to created a new Library folder but you could see the menu popup creating and importing assets (as opposed to before when it didn’t do anything). I then just deleted the renamed library folder. So unity must have messed up some files when it crashed.

Unity was opening but only 1/4 of the top left hand side was displaying and the rest was white. even with the “help” and “about” screens. I discovered that on mine it was a compatibility issue. To fix it right clicking on the unity.exe, going to property, clicking on the compatibility tab, and check “Override DPI scaling”

I have a Microsoft surface pro 2.
running Windows 10 Insider Preview 17046.1000 (rs_prerelease)
intel HD graphics

UP, I had the same problem with unity 5.5.0.f3. my project was stuck in a blank white window, but removing the Library folder and after several minutes recalculating the assets the project works again!

thank you.