Unity 5.3.4f1 free license activation error

Hi, i’m new to unity (first time). I downloaded the installer, no problem with the installation. I was asked to create an account (what i did), and the to respond at an survey. My problem is that when i complete the survey, there is a bug that make me stay on that page and the next page isn’t logging (the blue bar is full, but no next page). I’ve looked in this forum but i didn’t found a solution to my problem so i come here to ask if someone could help me?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.

OMG, that is the freaking same problem here T^T

Same here >:(

Same here, such a bad begin

Can’t login at all with existing account here.

So, is this gonna be like this forever? Unity won’t be activated? is there anything wrong with activation server with Unity?

So, i tried again this morning, and it’s working =) Don’t know why, but the bug is gone. Maybe you should try too. Thanks anyway

Yeah, it worked … well, it was down at that time.