Unity 5.3.5f1 point lights ignoring culling mask

I have cubes on cube layer
I have player on character layer.

Point light set to only affect character and yet it lights up my cubes.

Anyone else having this issue?

You have to be careful here. In deferred, you cannot simply only illuminate a single layer, because too many lightlayers are ignored, then the entire lighting systems bombs out and “breaks”. What you need to do is select ALL layers, except for the cube layer. You cannot ignore more than 4 layers, otherwise the lighting system becomes unpredictable.

Thats odd because it used to work with just one one layer, anyway i did what you said and its still lighting the cubes.

oh man i’m not having a good day with unity 5.3.5… bugs bugs and more bugs

I have cubes on cube layer
I have player on character layer.
Point light set to only affect character and yet it lights up my cubes.

It should work in Forward mode. It should never work in Deferred mode, unless Unity changed something in 5.3 (I’m still running 5.2 so I don’t know about 5.3)…
Try switching to forward mode in the project settings and camera to see if it works.
You could post a screen shot of the light culling settings.
Also are you getting this warning:

If you’re in deferred mode and you set up your light like you originally had it, you should see this warning pop up eventually, usually as soon as you enter play mode.