Unity 5.3 save multiscene structure

I’ve been upgrading to Unity 5.3 and really like the idea of multiple scenes.
Still I’m kind of irritated where the scene structure you are building is stored… If it is stored at all. I thought it would be stored in the root scene but it seems that I’m mistaken with that thought because when I open Game (See screenshot) again, the other 3 Scenes just vanish again.

So my question is: Is there a way to store the structure or do you have to still load the scenes additive when you switch scenes? Or what is the suggested workflow?

I haven’t yet upgraded my Unity so this is also a new feature to me. However it looks like there is nothing like a multi-scene-structure. You simply have the ability to open / close several scenes at the same time. In the editor each open scene has it’s own hierarchy. The scenes are still seperate standalone scenes. At runtime you can now easily load and / or close additional scenes whenever you like. This makes it easier for smooth transition when moving through a continous fragmented level where you would load certain parts on demand and discard parts which are no longer needed.

If you want those 4 scenes to exist at the same time you have to load them manually like you did in your comment.

You might want to read the blog post over here

My current solution is load the scenes through an easy-to-use script. If you have the same problem check out this thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-5-3-multiscene-support-for-builds.372909/