Hi guys,
I am trying to develop a VR app on Mac with unity 5.3 and I have some questions. First : I downloaded the plugin « VR Sample » and tried to launch it to test and understand how VR works.
My system is Mac OS X 10.11.3
With unity 5.3.4.f1:
I haven’t compile error when I launched a scene like Flyer but when it start, I have this one :
[Error] Couldn’t open /Applications/Unity - 5.3.4f1/Unity.app/Contents/VR/oculus/macosx64/OVRPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/OVRPlugin, error: dlopen(/Applications/Unity - 5.3.4f1/Unity.app/Contents/VR/oculus/macosx64/OVRPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/OVRPlugin, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/LibOVRRT_0.framework/Versions/5/LibOVRRT_0
Referenced from: /Applications/Unity - 5.3.4f1/Unity.app/Contents/VR/oculus/macosx64/OVRPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/OVRPlugin
and some other like those :
[Error] Could not load symbol ovrp_Initialize : invalid handle passed to dlsym()
[Warning] VR: Oculus could not be loaded: Failed to load symbol ovrp_Initialize.
and like those :
[Error] Could not load symbol ovrp_GetStatus2 : invalid handle passed to dlsym()
and the last :
[Error] [VRDevice] Initialization of device oculus failed.
I understand it’s because Unity don’t find some oculus files but I want to develop for cardboard, so can I change this configuration ?
I have found some informations in this forum and in the Internet but it’s often for an older version (like 5.1) and I understand that VR implementation changed a lot since. So I’m not sure of what tutorial I can follow to learn. Lots of them are for VR with Oculus so I’m not sure about their validity for my case.
Do I need to plug a Cardboard or another device (like an iPad) to run samples ?
How can I test samples and personal test in Editor Mode ? Do I need necessarily a Cardboard ou another device (like an iPad) to test ?
Do I need to install the Google cardboard SDK ?
If you have some instructions for me, you are welcome !
I hope it’s enough clear, thanks for your help.