I get the above error when trying to build and run my test application on the Tizen Emulator. Tried it with a real world device and still get same issue. It’s seems as if it’s building with the incorrect file name, as I do get a file in that folder called “tizentest” with no file extension. Can anyone figure out what’s going on?
Ok thanks I’ll try that out. I assume the patch is something I download manually as I have been using the “Help>Check for Update” menu function but it has always told me I have the latest version.
I noticed there is a patch to force Tizen v2.4 to be used. My wearable device is a Samsung Gear S3 Frontier that is running 2.3.2 so if I patch Unity I won’t be able to develop for my device anymore?
I am also Using Unity latest version, weird thing its working on Tizen’s Emulator bot not on devices and not on Samsung remote device, this is the erro I’m getting from samsung -
ERROR|02-22 18:47:58.035|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:47:58.035|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:47:59.026|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:47:59.026|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.027|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.027|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.847|24954|24954||AUL_PAD|launchpad_loader.c: main(703) > dlopen failed(/opt/usr/apps/com.yalilabs.testingtizen/bin/shapeit: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory). Please complile with -fPIE and link with -pie flag
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.947|2280|2280||AUL_PAD|launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(282) > error founded when being launched with 24954
ERROR|02-22 18:48:01.028|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:48:01.028|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:48:02.029|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:48:02.029|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
INFO|02-22 18:48:02.819|25100|25100||UXT|Uxt_ObjectManager.cpp: OnInitialized(737) > Initialized.
Nothing is working for me at the moment. Trying to develop a game for the Samsung Galaxy Gear S3 Frontier. Is this device supported? I will work on it when I get the time and see if I can get anything running.