Unity 5.5.0f3 (64bit) Tizen Error - No such file or directory

Hi all,

I get the above error when trying to build and run my test application on the Tizen Emulator. Tried it with a real world device and still get same issue. It’s seems as if it’s building with the incorrect file name, as I do get a file in that folder called “tizentest” with no file extension. Can anyone figure out what’s going on?


Please try with the latest 5.5 patch release. Those errors should have been resolved.

Ok thanks I’ll try that out. I assume the patch is something I download manually as I have been using the “Help>Check for Update” menu function but it has always told me I have the latest version.

Is this the place to get the patches? https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patch-releases?version=5.5

I noticed there is a patch to force Tizen v2.4 to be used. My wearable device is a Samsung Gear S3 Frontier that is running 2.3.2 so if I patch Unity I won’t be able to develop for my device anymore?

Hello, I’m facing the same issue as well and I’m using the latest Unity version and updates… please let me know if you were able to fix your problem?

I am also Using Unity latest version, weird thing its working on Tizen’s Emulator bot not on devices and not on Samsung remote device, this is the erro I’m getting from samsung -

ERROR|02-22 18:47:58.035|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:47:58.035|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:47:59.026|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:47:59.026|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.027|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.027|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.847|24954|24954||AUL_PAD|launchpad_loader.c: main(703) > dlopen failed(/opt/usr/apps/com.yalilabs.testingtizen/bin/shapeit: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory). Please complile with -fPIE and link with -pie flag
ERROR|02-22 18:48:00.947|2280|2280||AUL_PAD|launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(282) > error founded when being launched with 24954
ERROR|02-22 18:48:01.028|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:48:01.028|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
ERROR|02-22 18:48:02.029|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(379) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], key=7
ERROR|02-22 18:48:02.029|919|919||TIZEN_N_SYSTEM_SETTINGS|system_settings.c: system_settings_get_item(392) > Enter [system_settings_get_item], index = 7, key = 7, type = 2
INFO|02-22 18:48:02.819|25100|25100||UXT|Uxt_ObjectManager.cpp: OnInitialized(737) > Initialized.

Nothing is working for me at the moment. Trying to develop a game for the Samsung Galaxy Gear S3 Frontier. Is this device supported? I will work on it when I get the time and see if I can get anything running.

Gear S3 is using TIZEN 2.3.2.
So you have to use UNITY 5.4.x version.
I recommend 5.4.5p2 .