I’ve seen a couple other threads on this issue but I couldn’t reply to them so here’s another one.
My light maps when rendered (iOS) are very very dark in the Editor & Game Windows.
If I build the project, the light maps are used correctly when installed on the mobile devices.
While this works, this is not an acceptable workaround. Its a terrible waste of time.
Im very disappointed once again as it seems Unity is back to their push the releases out before major issues are finished. I thought they were going to slow down, which worked for awhile.
I know Im not alone in this problem, this is a beta type issue, not a release problem.
I watched this issue for 4 betas and it gets shipped. Wow, why did you release this?
And yes, it doesn’t matter what project I use to test this and with multiple computers.
Back to 5.4, 5.5 gets trashed. Disappointed.
I was just about to start a thread about this problem myself and found yours. I have been wrestling with light baking all morning and can’t get it to work. All my scenes now are close to pitch black. I have cleared my GI Cache, turned all my lights up to max; intensity, bounce boost etc but everything is still extremely dark.
Enlighten is very much broken in 5.5 which is really frustrating.
You can stop there, the light maps are actually being rendered but you have to install the app on your mobile device to see the correct maps, so whats broken is what being rendered or not used in your Editor/Game window. And in my tests, I can see the light maps are there but at something like 10% brightness.
I also experimented switching to Linear instead of Gamma which someone recondmended and while it worked it worked too much, it blew everything up too much and my UI Canvas graphics were just the opposite as the Gamma issue, they are now way too white.
So neither were acceptable and I had to return to 5.4
Since I saw this issue during beta testing Im just so shocked it was released this way. Poor choice.
Hey, a fix is coming in a patch shortly. Sorry about that, I know it was mentioned during the beta testing but somehow it still made it through to the release! We’ve added it to the known issues section of the release notes as well.
Thanks for the update, Im still concerned that something this major just gets slipped through especially when it was identified in the betas. Impossible to make and view light maps when your project is set to mobile is not a oops. Its a major breakdown in QA. I feel like we’ve gone back to the release by calendar issue we just got fixed by slowing down the release schedule. But again, thanks for the update and being told its a real issue now. Im back on 5.4.
same problem here, waiting for the update.
same problem…
I had this issue with our project which was imported from 5.4.
I was able to fix it by deleting the local copy of the project and downloading the project again through Collaborate.
AAnd it’s back
I did the fresh clean re-install of my project on 2 computers, it doesn’t fix the light map bug, its been verified there’s an bug by Unity and they are working son it
Yes, you are right.
It worked for me for a while but after a day the lightmaps were suddenly dark again. We’ll have to wait until the actual issue is fixed.
I believe this is the official issue added to the know issues on the download page:
- GI: In Editor, light does reflect off static objects when Baked GI is used with mobile platforms selected. Note that the issue is not present when the project is deployed to a device. Fix expected shortly in a patch release. (849671)
I have same problem here. Its annoying, hope for short fix as annouced
Indeed, I just tried it and the issue is present when Android is selected as build target, but disappears when switching to Standalone. That might have been why I didn’t have the issue for a while. Probably hadn’t gotten around to switching the target to Android, yet.
Its fixed now! Thanks Unity team!
It has worked for me as well, but too many editor crashes for me to switch over yet. couple more patches for me.
now i have problem with assemblies, mono develop can’t see UnityEngine and other unity classes references…
Ive had issues with this in the past and my target framework was changed somehow, try looking in your project : assemble-c# options. Make sure you are pointing to a correct framework.
If that framework is set wrong, Mono doesn’t know how to talk to Unity.
I tried it and have same target framework, but still nothing. when i create new project, it is ok and settings are same. Don’t know how to make it work…
Ok, i solved it that i deleted Library folder from my project root and reimport all assets. It seems ok now, but other problem, on my terrain i have some weird shadow artifacts.
Any idea what to do with it? Its just in locations, where i have terrain
same problem here, 5.5.0f3