I am using OSX 10.10.5 and Unity 5.6.0f3 and I am experiencing the same issue. It works in the Editor, but the moment I deploy a standalone for mac and run it, the video does not work.
I tried manually playing, stopping and checking the videoplayer component status (isPlaying) and no matter what I try, I cannot make it work in standalone builds.
I also tried the same video in different formats as one of the threads suggests that @Kef-niark linked, however, I had no success at all.
I have similar problem, using MacOS 10.12 and Building to Android. Run in Editor Mode and same when setted VideoClip it run too, but not when it is configured via script.
I think that video player doesn’t support all types of ‘.mp4’-files. You guys can try this out to see if it runs on your machines:
Download one of Video LAN’s 360 demo videos ( http://streams.videolan.org/streams/360/eagle_360.mp4 ) and try using it with Unity’s video player. This should work because you can see that there is compatible meta data with frame height and width. You can check your own videos in Windows with right click->properties and the metadata should show up.
I didn’t find a way how to generate a video file with this type of metadata in Adobe Premiere CC, though.
Maybe anyone can help me out with this?
It would be also very interesting if this demo video from VLC works for you as well.
I tried to contact the poster of the topic I mentioned but I didn’t get any response until now.
Good news! It was necessary to use MP4 and also to set the video to Transcode. There were no errors to indicate this, but switching on Transcode fixed it.
Hi @daisyDynamics ,
That approach is OK for some users, but we specifically upgraded to Unity 5.6 to use the new video player because the MovieTexture method is not compatible with some export platforms (e.g. Xbox).
Cheers, Rob
Unfortunatley the fix we found is only a partial fix:
We discovered that once we switch on Transcode, we can build on OSX and see video on OSX; we can build on Windows and see video on Windows. BUT we cannot build on OSX and run on Windows. Once again, the video player fails.
So we would need to switch off Transcode when we want to build for Windows on OSX. This is annoying because it takes a lot of time to change this option as Unity seems to re-render the videos.
CORRECTION: It is not possible to build a Windows executable on OSX if you have the above issue with the Video Player. Whether Transcode is on or off, the OSX built game will not run on Windows. We now need to have 2 separate compilation machines to build with Unity, one for Windows and one for OSX.
This is a major blow to our workflow. We were reliant on being able to build our Windows game on OSX.
Hmm - I think we are using Video Player on both PS4 and XB1 - will double check.
In meantime, we still have no Windows build capability on OSX which is problematic (e.g. need to be able make new PC builds at a live show, using a Macbook, so going to have to install Windows Unity on a Bootcamp partitiion just to make Windows builds).
When switching Build Settings from OSX to Windows, Unity does a lengthy transcoding on any video files, but the result is still a Windows build that freezes on video playback.
I had the same problem while building an EXE from windows and use it on windows. My video’s did not play. I’m using .Webm video’s with Alpha. For me the fix was to do the opposite and turn off transcoding.
I’m having this issue as well. I’m developing on OSX and videos are not displaying properly on Windows build (black screen if full screen or white material if played on material)…unless I use VP8 as the transcode option. The problem is, the VP8 transcode option has terrible compression issues, so the video looks horrible. I’ve tried multiple H.264 options in handbrake but nothing is working. Anyone have any updates on this?