Unity 5.6 - 3D Edit Collider button doesn't show the edit dots on collider

Usually pressing the “Edit Collider” button on, for example, a Box Collider would activate the edit dots in Scene for that particular mesh.

I upgraded to 5.6 and that functionality is not available.

Do I miss anything or is it a bug?

I figured out the problem.
It seems that the “edit collider” button doesn’t trigger the edit handler on the collider if there are 2 opened “Inspector” panels.
One will show the edit handler when “edit collider” is activated while the other won’t.
I hope this makes sense.

For me, I only had a single inspector open, but closing it and reopening solved it.

This should be working in all cases. The only exception is that the control handles will disappear when the View tool is active (e.g., alt-left-clicking to rotate the scene camera or middle-clicking to pan).

If you are seeing something different, please file a bug report with information about when this is happening to you and post the case number here and I will personally look into it.

Still bugged. 2 inspectors, delete 1, still handles don’t appear