Unity 5.6 Api updater failing

I’m trying to port my project to 5.6, however the API updater alaws fails (twice) with this error:

APIUpdater encountered some issues and was not able to finish:

System.ArgumentException: preprocessorSymbols
  at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpParseOptions..ctor (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion languageVersion, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.DocumentationMode documentationMode, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SourceCodeKind kind, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] preprocessorSymbols) [0x00051] in <8d5a2b6695c6475bb1cb5b9a9f9c8dd7>:0 
  at CSharpUpdater.CSharpUpdater.ParseSyntaxTrees (APIUpdater.Framework.Core.SourceFile[] inputs, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] defines) [0x0000e] in <8c197c80297a49cfb36313b1aba6e4f7>:0 
  at CSharpUpdater.CSharpUpdater.RunUpdater (APIUpdater.Framework.Core.SourceFile[] inputs, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] defines, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] references) [0x00013] in <8c197c80297a49cfb36313b1aba6e4f7>:0 
  at APIUpdater.Framework.Core.APIUpdaterBase.Update (APIUpdater.Framework.Core.SourceFile[] inputs, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] defines, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] references) [0x0002a] in <1acc70da50134acf8c1ee45d15211558>:0 
  at ScriptUpdater.Program.UpdateLanguage (APIUpdater.Framework.Core.IScriptUpdater updater, APIUpdater.Framework.Configuration.CompilerResponseFile responseFile, System.String unityDataPath, System.String outputPath) [0x000ae] in <40723fc79b19465ab3f8e6a83b755955>:0 
  at ScriptUpdater.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x000d5] in <40723fc79b19465ab3f8e6a83b755955>:0 

Does anyone know what this is about?
Any hint is appreciated…

I had a similar error going from 5.5 to 5.6
After looking at Unity documentation Using the Automatic API Updater I restarted Unity this time saying No to running automatic APIUpdater. That gave me a chance to actually see what compile errors I had and fix them manually. For information the errors were on UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier being obsolete and needed to be replaced by UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier

I hope this helps.

I had a similar problem with the API Updater throwing an unhelpful (i.e. not exact enough) error message. Someone on this forum post: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-5-6-apiupdater-encountered-some-issues-and-was-not-able-to-finish.464240/ had the same problem.

I followed their advice:

I ran the updater, then searched the
editor log for “upgradable” and
manually fixed the issues.

To do this, first open the console window (from the main Unity editor, enter Ctrl+Shift+C) then click the tiny hamburger icon at the top right of the console window, then click ‘Open Editor Log’ and you can search for ‘upgradable’ in that text file, to find and fix the errors.

Hope this helps someone.

Obviously, I should habe read the documentation…
It seems that the problems were oudated calls from the Vuforia .dll (which I can’t change)
It is working anyways though, just have to deny the automatic update when I open the project.
Thanks, that little tip was helpful though.