Each time I update an asset from the asset store, I have duplicate file (xxxx and xxxx 1 …).
How can I handle that ?
Thanks a lot for your help !
Best regards,
Each time I update an asset from the asset store, I have duplicate file (xxxx and xxxx 1 …).
How can I handle that ?
Thanks a lot for your help !
Best regards,
That’s a new standard behavior but if you update stuff you should not just overwrite the old stuff.
Go to a empty scene , Delete the asset you like to update from your project, import the new asset version, now you can go back to your other scene without a problem.
Thanks for your quick answer.
I know that (thanks anyway), but sometimes I don’t want to delete all the old assets because I have some editor config who I wrote some stuff… That’s the problem
Thanks again !
any help ?
Same problem…