Unity 5 Announced

Updating as more info becomes available.

Official Unity 5 site (not available yet): http://unity3d.com/5

Polygon (Atricle has since been taken down - no details on why. Full article posted and linked a few posts down):

Joystiq (thanks kenlem!)

VentureBeat (thanks bigzer!)

Real-time lightmap previews by PowerVR OpenRL (thanks VIC20!)

Mozilla and Unity Bring Unity Game Engine to WebGL (thanks kryptopath2!)

I am very curious as to:

  1. When it will be released.

  2. What the upgrade costs will be. We just bought a bunch of Unity 4 licenses recently and a whole ton of cost upgrading would be pretty brutal.

your link resolves to a 404 so…

That’s odd, it didn’t do… Someone been asked to pull the plug?

That would be most welcome.

Unity 5? Already? Jeez.

Interesting - it’s gone from the polygon main page now as well. It was the top story on Polygon - they must have been asked to pull it?

Goddammit, so I’ll have to upgrade to have 64 bit support?

from the 404’d article

Thanks brianruggieri - was trying to find a cached version of the article.

Welcomed improvements, curious about the planned live date though.

I also did not realise Unity 4 was 2 years old already.

Google cache: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:www.polygon.com/2014/3/17/5518114/unity-5-massive-update-game-development

Time flies when you’re having fun!

Lol I thought the same!

I still can’t help to get hyped!

I think it was december 2012 - I doubt Unity 5 will be released before the 4th quarter but I guess there will be a beta starting in summer.
Funny thing is no word about a new GUI system. Maybe it will really find its way into 4.5?

here is a cached version:


It probably needs to be said:

This is from an article on a single, random website, with no attribution to where they got the information. It could be that they know something that everybody else around here doesn’t, or it could easily be that they heard a rumour and wrote an article without checking it, or even that they just decided they wanted some extra web traffic and made the whole thing up.

Remember: rumours are a dime a dozen.

OMG it’s really true and it will be released in April: You are an idiot

Always possible - Polygon is usually pretty good about only reporting real things, but nobody is perfect. It’s also possible it was a behind-closed-doors thing their source was shown at GDC, or something they got the scoop on that isn’t slated to be officially announced until later this week.